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Business Development Consulting

With Thinking In Sync, we believe anything that can impact your sales falls under Business Development Consulting. This can be challenging for many companies to objectively determine. While the bandaid approach to one area might work, ensuring success means a broader analysis needs to happen.

  1. We provide business development consulting that is unique to your organization’s goals. 
  2. We focus on strategy that is applied to your unique clients that involves a deep dive of your competition and your client’s perspective and buying habits.
  3. With Thinking In Sync, our thorough diagnosis enables us to tailor the right training for your unique business & situation. This is called our Business Development Report Card.
  4. We look at your existing sales process, your salespeople, your internal and external communications and even the operational side of your business as the two have to work hand in hand. 
  5. Business Development Consulting will also relate to your sales process.  We will evaluate and can improve or create a thorough and tailored sales process. 
  6. As part of our business development consulting, if applicable, we can work with you to objectively oversee your team, ensure business development strategies are implemented (AND FOLLOWED) and will coach your team along the way.

Sales & Business Coaching

In coaching 100’s of people in a variety of industries, we’ve learned most people are not comfortable talking to their peers or supervisors about what is holding them back for fear of embarrassment, dismissal or concerns over loss of respect or confidence in their performance. We see this in all areas of an organization.  At Thinking In Sync, we quickly break through this so we can help them move toward success. What people need is a coach – and confidant. This support and coaching is provided with a Christian based foundation.

The other important element of success is considering the whole person.  If they are dealing with issues on the home front, it impacts their productivity.  We act as a confidant and coach to help them overcome what might be holding them back. 


  • One-on-one virtual confidential coaching.  Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.  
  • We will establish a consistent outline that includes status review, overall personal wellness check, strategy for specific objectives, next steps and deadlines. 

Marketing and Advertising

Marketing has changed drastically in the last few years and it has become very difficult to reach your potential clients.  

Every media company is coming at you, trying to tell you why you need to invest in their solution.  They talk over your head and make you feel like everything you are doing is wrong and you need to start over. That’s because that is what they sell. We only focus on what is best for you. Our agency works hard at looking at the complete marketing and advertising scope to provide you with the best solutions. 

  1. Marketing Strategy and Implementation
  2. Utilizing traditional and the latest marketing solutions that best fit with your target demographic.  Someone 60+ is different than someone who is in their early 20’s. They live completely different lives and receive information very differently.
    • TV/Radio/Billboard/Print
    • Online Video, Streaming, Podcasts, GeoTargeting, ReTargeting, Search
    • Social media strategy, planning, design and implementation
  3. We act as your liaison between you and media organizations.
  4. Writing and production of all advertising, communication and marketing related material.

Sales Hiring Assessments

People in business development are usually good at talking the talk.  Once you have narrowed your potential sales people down, we will do a deeper dive to determine the quality of your hire.  We can quickly determine how they compare and the small nuances and discussions necessary to ensure they are able to walk the walk and/or have the potential to become a top producer.


Job Readiness Training

This is becoming more and more important to ensure your new hires are starting off with the same foundational understanding of how to be a successful employee. This relates to work ethic, communication, conflict resolution, attitude and the mind set of contributing to solutions. 

We don’t believe in just providing the information, we make it participatory and interactive and relevant to what they can identify with or relate to. 

Sales Training

We train on everything related to sales – from early in the sales process to asking for referrals and on-going client satisfaction reviews. 

Specifically we differentiate ourselves by incorporating the following: Consultative selling, client perspective, referral generating, personal responsibility, attitude, getting the appointment, building credibility, business etiquette, professional communications and values based selling.


  • This can be delivered in person if applicable, or virtually.  
  • We will tailor the approach based on how many people are involved, your specific goals and the level of participants/departments.